At Total Changes, we take a lot of care to be certain that your appointment is personal and is between you and your stylist. Having a third person in the communication process has proven to us to be positive and helpful. We teach everyday, as this sharpens our skills and opens us to new ideas from a younger generation. The students add energy to the salon environment. Explaining why we are doing certain procedures to a trainee allows the stylist to confirm the reasons for the decision also giving the client a second chance to interject comments that will confirm or correct the logic behind the procedure. This is just one way we enhance the learning process and reduce mistakes. Mistakes are most often miscommunication errors, so the more we communicate the better your results.
At first a customer may be cautious with a student working on them. We have addressed that by giving discounts on services when you allow a student to perform all or part of the services. We work hard to make certain that the assistant is comfortable with the procedure to be performed and they clearly understand what is expected. We then observe the assistant to confirm the quality and performance of the services our clients receive.
These students have shown interest and great desire over months of practicing on friends, family and mannequins before they work on clients. Students observe and receive instruction daily by seasoned professionals and are exciting to be around and love the work.